20+ Agriculture business ideas with low investment

Agriculture Business Ideas with Low Investment

Farming plays a huge role in the economy of any country. Agriculture and agriculture based business keep the country strong. Friends, if you are also a farmer or want to do farming so that you can earn money, then we have brought for you information about 25 types of agriculture business based on agriculture. Which you can start by investing very little capital and can earn good money.

1. Organic Farming Business Ideas

Organic farming focuses on growing crops and raising livestock without the use of synthetic chemicals, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This method emphasizes natural processes and environmental sustainability.


  • High Demand: Increasing health awareness has led to a surge in demand for organic produce.
  • Premium Pricing: Organic products often fetch higher prices in the market.
  • Environmental Impact: Promotes soil health and biodiversity.

Countries: USA, India, Germany

Organic Farming Business Ideas

2. Landscaping Agency

A landscaping business involves designing, creating, and maintaining outdoor spaces for residential and commercial properties. This includes planting, lawn care, and building structures like patios and walkways.


  • Growing Market: With more people investing in property aesthetics, demand for landscaping services is rising.
  • Recurring Income: Offers opportunities for long-term maintenance contracts.
  • Creative Satisfaction: Combines creativity with business, allowing for personalized designs.

Countries: USA, Australia, UK

3. Warehousing Business

Warehousing in agriculture involves providing storage solutions for crops and agricultural products. Proper storage is crucial to prevent spoilage and maintain the quality of produce.


  • Critical Need: Helps solve storage issues, especially in regions like India where food grains often get wasted due to inadequate facilities.
  • Steady Demand: Farmers and traders need reliable storage options throughout the year.
  • Contribution to Food Security: Ensures that food supply chains remain intact, reducing losses.

Countries: India, Brazil, USA

4. Vertical Farming Business

If you live in a city and want to do farming, you can do vertical farming. In vertical farming, crops are often grown in multiple layers using hydroponic or aeroponic systems. This method takes up maximum space, making it an excellent source of income for urban areas with limited land


  • Space Efficiency: Optimizes the use of space, allowing for high-density farming in urban environments.
  • Year-Round Production: Controlled environments enable continuous crop production, unaffected by seasonal changes.
  • Reduced Transportation Costs: Being close to urban centers reduces the distance between farm and market.

Countries: Japan, Singapore, Netherlands

5. Traditional Crop Farming

Crop farming is the cultivation of food grains, cash crops, or other plants. This traditional agricultural practice is foundational to the farming industry and remains a viable business option.


  • Proven Model: Crop farming has been practiced for millennia, offering a stable business opportunity.
  • Market Demand: Staples like wheat, rice, and maize are always in demand.
  • Flexibility: Can be tailored to grow a variety of crops based on regional demand and climate.

Countries: India, China, Brazil

6. Beekeeping and Honey Production

Most people do not like to eat honey available in the market. Rather, they prefer to buy honey directly from farmers. Honey without any preservatives is becoming a priority for people. Farmers also do beekeeping and easily sell honey, wax, and other products to customers. Looking at the demand of people, beekeeping is a great business in today’s time.


  • Multiple Revenue Streams: Honey, beeswax, and pollination services can all generate income.
  • Growing Demand: Natural honey and bee-related products are in increasing demand due to their health benefits.
  • Environmental Impact: Promotes pollination, which is vital for the growth of many crops.

Countries: Ethiopia, New Zealand, USA

7. Livestock Rearing

Livestock rearing involves raising animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, and poultry for meat, milk, eggs, wool, and other products. This traditional farming practice remains profitable when managed effectively.


  • Diverse Products: Provides multiple products, including dairy, meat, and wool.
  • High Demand: Meat and dairy products are staples in many diets globally.
  • Sustainable Practice: When done responsibly, livestock rearing can be sustainable and beneficial to local ecosystems.

Countries: Australia, USA, Brazil

Livestock RearingBenefitsCountries
Cattle FarmingHigh demand for milk and dairy productsNew Zealand, India, USA
Poultry FarmingSteady demand for eggs and meatUSA, China, Brazil

8. Manure Business

A byproduct of animal husbandry, cow dung, is rich in nutrients and serves as an excellent organic fertilizer. Selling cow dung can be a profitable business while promoting sustainable farming practices.
Chicken manure is used in mushroom farming


  • Nutrient-Rich: Contains essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, enhancing soil fertility.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Provides an eco-friendly alternative to chemical fertilizers.
  • Consistent Demand: Farmers and gardeners alike need quality manure for their crops.

Countries: India, Kenya, Brazil

9. Mushroom Production and Marketing

Mushroom farming involves cultivating mushrooms for food, which are highly nutritious and in demand. The business requires minimal space and investment, making it accessible to many entrepreneurs.


  • Low Investment: Requires minimal space and resources to start.
  • High Profit Margins: Mushrooms are sold at a premium price, offering significant returns.
  • Growing Market: Demand for mushrooms is increasing globally due to their health benefits.

Countries: China, USA, Netherlands

10. Medicinal Herbs Products

The cultivation and sale of medicinal herbs cater to the growing demand for natural health products. These herbs are used in various forms, including teas, supplements, and skincare products.


  • Health Consciousness: Rising awareness of natural remedies boosts demand.
  • High Value: Medicinal herbs often command higher prices in the market.
  • Versatile Products: Can be sold as raw herbs, extracts, or processed into products.

Countries: India, Germany, USA

11. Agro-Blogging

Agro-blogging involves creating and maintaining a blog focused on agriculture topics. It’s a platform to share knowledge, promote sustainable practices, and connect with the farming community.


  • Monetization: Earn through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Helps disseminate valuable agricultural information.
  • Global Reach: Connect with farmers and enthusiasts worldwide.

Countries: USA, India, UK

12. Fodder Business

The fodder business involves growing and selling animal feed. With the rise in livestock farming, especially in countries like India, the demand for quality fodder is substantial.


  • High Demand: Livestock farming requires a consistent supply of quality fodder.
  • Steady Income: Offers a stable revenue stream as animals need regular feeding.
  • Scalable: Can be expanded by increasing the variety of fodder crops grown.

Countries: India, USA, Brazil

13. Tree Farm Business

Tree farming involves growing trees for timber, paper, and other uses. It’s a long-term investment that can yield significant returns if managed properly.


  • High Demand: Trees are needed for lumber, paper, and landscaping.
  • Environmental Benefits: Contributes to reforestation and carbon sequestration.
  • Diverse Markets: Can cater to different industries, including construction, paper, and holiday markets.

Countries: Canada, USA, Sweden

14. Grocery E-shopping Business

A grocery e-shopping platform connects local farmers directly with consumers, offering fresh produce and supporting local agriculture. This model bypasses middlemen, benefiting both farmers and consumers.


  • Direct Sales: Farmers get better prices by selling directly to consumers.
  • Fresh Produce: Consumers receive fresher, locally sourced products.
  • Support Local Agriculture: Strengthens the local farming community.

Countries: USA, India, UK

15. Hydroponic Farming

Hydroponic farming is a method of growing plants without soil, using nutrient-rich water solutions. This innovative approach is ideal for urban areas with limited space.


  • Water Efficiency: Uses significantly less water than traditional farming.
  • Increased Yields: Plants grow faster and produce more in a controlled environment.
  • Year-Round Production: Allows for continuous harvesting, unaffected by weather conditions.

Countries: Netherlands, Singapore, USA

16. Turf Grass Business

A turf grass business involves growing and selling grass for lawns, sports fields, and parks. This business is essential for maintaining aesthetically pleasing and functional green spaces.


  • High Demand: Used in residential, commercial, and recreational spaces.
  • Recurring Income: Offers services like installation and maintenance.
  • Environmental Impact: Provides erosion control and improves air quality.

Countries: USA, Australia, UK

17. Agri-Tourism

Agri-tourism combines farming with tourism, offering visitors an authentic farm experience. Activities can include farm tours, workshops, and recreational events.


  • Diversified Income: Provides an additional revenue stream alongside traditional farming.
  • Promotes Rural Development: Attracts visitors to rural areas, boosting the local economy.
  • Educational: Offers opportunities to educate the public about agriculture and sustainability.

Countries: Italy, USA, France

18. Mulching Business

Mulching involves covering soil with organic or inorganic materials to conserve moisture, reduce erosion, and improve soil health. This business serves both farmers and gardeners.


  • Soil Health: Improves soil structure and fertility.
  • Water Conservation: Helps retain moisture, reducing the need for frequent watering.
  • Weed Control: Suppresses weed growth, reducing the need for herbicides.

Countries: India, Australia, USA

19. Veterinary Clinic Business

A veterinary clinic in a rural or agricultural area provides essential healthcare services for livestock, ensuring their well-being and productivity.


  • Essential Service: Healthy livestock are crucial for successful farming.
  • Steady Demand: Farmers regularly require veterinary services for their animals.
  • Community Impact: Supports the local farming community by ensuring animal health.

Countries: USA, India, Australia

20. Aquaponics Business

Aquaponics combines aquaculture (fish farming) with hydroponics (soilless plant cultivation) in a symbiotic system. Fish waste provides nutrients for the plants, and the plants help filter the water for the fish.


  • Sustainable: Utilizes waste products effectively, creating a closed-loop system.
  • Efficient: Produces both fish and vegetables, maximizing output.
  • Space-Saving: Ideal for urban environments with limited space.

Countries: USA, Australia, Singapore

21. Precision Agriculture

Precision agriculture uses technology like GPS, sensors, and data analytics to optimize farming practices. This approach helps farmers make more informed decisions, increasing efficiency and productivity.


  • Increased Yields: Optimizes inputs like water, fertilizers, and pesticides, leading to higher crop yields.
  • Cost Savings: Reduces waste and lowers input costs.
  • Sustainable: Minimizes environmental impact by using resources more efficiently.

Countries: USA, Israel, Netherlands

22. Agricultural Consulting Business

Agricultural consulting provides expert advice to farmers on various aspects of farming, including soil health, crop selection, and farm management. This service helps farmers improve their operations and profitability.


  • Expert Guidance: Helps farmers make informed decisions, increasing productivity.
  • Diverse Clientele: Can work with small farms, large agribusinesses, and government agencies.
  • Flexible Business Model: Offers services in various formats, from in-person consultations to online advice.

Countries: USA, Canada, Australia

23. Plant Nursery Business

A plant nursery grows and sells plants, trees, and shrubs for gardening, landscaping, and reforestation. This business can cater to both individual customers and commercial clients.


  • High Demand: With increasing interest in gardening and landscaping, nurseries have a steady market.
  • Diverse Products: Can offer a wide range of plants, from ornamentals to fruit trees.
  • Recurring Sales: Regular customers often return for new plants and garden supplies.

Countries: USA, India, UK

24. Online Livestock Market

An online platform for livestock trading connects buyers and sellers, making it easier to buy and sell animals without the need for physical markets.


  • Convenience: Buyers and sellers can connect from anywhere, expanding market reach.
  • Transparency: Online platforms often offer better pricing transparency and detailed information on livestock.
  • Cost-Effective: Reduces the costs associated with transporting animals to physical markets.

Countries: USA, India, Brazil

25. Agri-Tech Solutions

Developing agri-tech solutions involves creating software, hardware, or services that help farmers improve efficiency, reduce waste, and increase yields. This includes everything from farm management apps to automated machinery.


  • Innovation: Agri-tech offers cutting-edge solutions to age-old farming challenges.
  • Scalability: Technology can be scaled to serve small farms or large agribusinesses.
  • High Growth Potential: With agriculture modernizing rapidly, there’s a growing demand for innovative solutions.

Countries: Israel, USA, Netherlands

These agriculture business ideas are not only accessible with low investment but also offer diverse opportunities for growth and profitability. Whether you’re drawn to traditional farming or innovative agri-tech, there’s a niche for everyone in the agricultural sector.

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