Contains phytoestrogens, potentially easing menopause symptoms.

Contains phytoestrogens, potentially easing menopause symptoms.

Supports digestive health, reducing bloating and indigestion.

Supports digestive health, reducing bloating and indigestion.

May help improve appetite and digestion.

May help improve appetite and digestion.

Contains iron, preventing anemia and boosting energy.

Contains iron, preventing anemia and boosting energy.

Rich in calcium, supporting bone health.

Rich in calcium, supporting bone health.

Contains fiber, aiding in weight management.

Contains fiber, aiding in weight management.

Supports respiratory health by relieving coughs.

Supports respiratory health by relieving coughs.

Contains anti-inflammatory properties, reducing pain.

Contains anti-inflammatory properties, reducing pain.

May help regulate blood sugar levels.

May help regulate blood sugar levels.

Supports immune function with its antimicrobial properties.

Supports immune function with its antimicrobial properties.